Book Editor

Let me help you craft and share your words.

book editing

You are ready to work through your first draft or to refine the content, style, and structure of your manuscript.

Even the greatest authors depend on editors. Hiring an editor gives you a chance to step away from your work, invite a dedicated reader to your words, receive an objective and experience-based opinion, and have someone around who will never get sick of talking about your book. Even so, some writers en route to becoming authors will want to skip this crucial step or ship their manuscript off to an editing service. I say don't do either. Instead, find a human who cares as much about your book staying authentic and reaching its audience as you do. Then, ask them to join you on the ride.

I would be happy to be that human. I am a developmental editor (or structural editor), which means I work with the big picture, bringing the book from an idea to a narrative or message, and the over-all structure and format of the book. I am also ) and a line editor, which means I work with the content, language, dialogue, flow, style, tone, and voice. Often times, the authors I work with receive a mixture of both, based on the needs of their project and the stage of their manuscript.

If you’re still not sure what kind of an editor you need, then scroll down to the bottom of this page.

In full transparency, I must say that I am not here to be the final polish on your grammar or to triple-check your spelling, because I am not a copy editor. Though I do have opinions on grammar (em-dash and oxford comma for life) and knowledge of the rules (The Elements of Style: Strunk & White is my go-to) this final stage of editing is for an experienced copyeditor, which I believe every single book published deserves.

If you’d like to work with me, click “Editing Rates” to see my editing rates. If you have questions or would like to know more, send me an email. And just in case you were wondering, I have had editors for both of my books, brilliant women who have helped me shape my message, enhance my story, point out what I would have otherwise missed, and (gah!) kill my darlings.

Rush editing services (under 10 days) are subject to higher fees.

Really not sure where to begin, but want to explore writing a book? Feel overwhelmed, like you don’t know how to get organized or ready to write your book? Sitting and looking at blank page and wondering how the words in your head will ever come out? You’re not alone, and hopefully I can help.

Sometimes the best way to get a book started is to dedicate time to talk about it. In this hour-long phone consultation, we'll discuss everything you'd like to about your book. Whether it be the writing process or the publishing process, you'll feel better, more informed, and more motivated after we've talked it through. This is a great place to start if you don't know where to begin. This is also helpful if you are looking for a writing coach.

This initial call is $150, and all calls following are $100.

book proposal

You are ready to get this book out into the world already. Pitch, sell, share… call it what you will and know that a book proposal is surely part of the process.

So, rather than be intimated by a blank book proposal document, I’ve created a Microsoft Word template that allows you to add content section by section, specific to your book, its needs, and what you are able to deliver. Here you can illuminate your book, your voice, and your mission of getting your message or story into the world. As much as I’d like to tell you that this will be a breeze—just share a bit of you and your book, and voilà—the truth is a well-written book proposal takes time and effort, so it is my hope that this template will make it easier.

You can use this proposal template for any genre, both fiction and non-fiction. I have used the same format that has proved itself successful for authors of all genres in answering the big questions that literary agents and publishers have about authors and their books. The why, the why you, the how, and the how many.

The template is 12 pt. Times New Roman—keeping it simple.


Different Types of Book Editors

  • Developmental (or Structural) Editor: Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, a developmental editor can work with you from the very beginning of your book writing to bring structure, organization, and originality to your work. This level of editing helps shape your narrative or message, connect with your reader, develop your tone, style, voice, and strengthen your theme. The developmental editor is often part of your book from conception to conclusion.

  • Line (or Style) Editor: A line editor watches for style, flow, tone, clarity—paragraph by paragraph, line by line. This type of edit can highlight anything from clichés to over-used words to run-ons and more. Punctuation, grammar and spelling is not the focus of this edit, but oftentimes, a line editor can’t help but make some grammar corrections along the way.

  • Copy Editor: A copyeditor reviews your edited manuscript for punctuation, grammar, spelling, syntax, typos, and mistakes. All books need a copy editor before publication. Your copy editor will look for all that you and your editor may have missed, as the closer you are to the work, the easier it is to overlook the little things, like how you capitalized Golden Retriever on page 22, but not on page 137.

What format do I use to submit my work?

  • document format: Microsoft Word

  • font: 12 pt. | Times New Roman | Black

  • page format: 8.5 x 11 | 1” margins

  • alignment: “Left” | .5” paragraph indents (not tab or five spaces)

  • single space after periods. Yes, single.

  • line spacing: double. Yes, double.

The above might seem nit-picky, but it will make our collaboration easier and smoother. This is also a great article that gives all the details on how to format a manuscript.

Who do I recommend?

I don’t want to see a great book go to print without a great copy editor. And as much as I love working with words, that won’t help you much with marketing, formatting and cover design. Thankfully, I know some people who have these talents. Feel free to check out the links below and reach out according to your needs to find out more abou their availability, experience, and rates.

copy editors:

Rowan Kersley proofreader & copy editor
Katie Karas copy editor
Amy Ollerton copy editor
Kelly Bergh copy editor
Abigail Billing copy editor
Georgette Taylor copy editor

book formatting & book cover design

book proposals & book marketing

I am more than happy to edit your book proposal and to discuss ideas and formatting if you don’t know where or how to begin, but Richelle of Purposeful Platforms is THE BEST when it comes to creating the perfect package to market and sell your book! Feel free to check out her programs and services. Tell her I say hello :)