Book Proposal Template

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Book Proposal Cover.jpg

Book Proposal Template


So you’re ready to get this book out into the world already. Pitch, sell, share… call it what you will and know that a book proposal is surely part of the process.

So, rather than be intimated by a blank book proposal document, I’ve created a Microsoft Word template that allows you to add content section by section, specific to your book, its needs, and what you are able to deliver. Here you can illuminate your book, your voice, and your mission of getting your message or story into the world. As much as I’d like to tell you that this will be a breeze—just share a bit of you and your book, and voilà—the truth is a well-written book proposal takes time and effort, so it is my hope that this template will make it easier.

You can use this proposal template for any genre, both fiction and non-fiction. I have used the same format that has proved itself successful for authors of all genres in answering the big questions that literary agents and publishers have about authors and their books. The why, the why you, the how, and the how many.

The template is 12 pt. Times New Roman—keeping it simple.

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